Black friend added to diversify Facebook friend list
EDMONTON, AB – Puplic relations employee Steve Wasley, 26, has made visible efforts to show his ability to connect with a variety of races and cultures by seeking out a black woman for his …
Jesus Christ stuck in big traffic jam
SOUTH GLENGARRY, – An overturned tractor trailer in the eastbound lane of the 401 near the Ontario-Quebec border is creating massive traffic jams and severe delays for Jesus Christ, who was…
UBC student blown away by science lecture
VANCOUVER- A student at the University of British Columbia was blown away by an intense astronomy lecture early this morning. James Barnabey, 20, a third year English major completing his science…
Home ownership bad idea reports guy with $5000 in the bank
VANCOUVER – The benefits of home ownership do not outweigh its many risks, according to a guy with $5013 in his bank account. “You have to look at taxes, maintenance fees, and other expense…
Really cool motor coach driver slows down or stops when you need to use toilet
MONTREAL – Coach Canada driver Ted Logan, 42, will make every attempt to slow down his motor coach on the highway whenever a passenger tries to use the toilet. “If you need to go, just give…
Eminem makes another mean face for photo shoot
NEW YORK – The famous “bad-boy” rapper Eminem explained at a press conference earlier this week that the mean faces he makes for newspapers, magazines, and other promotional material symbol…
Jaywalker’s near fatal bus accident described as tragicomic
CALGARY – A jaywalker was hit by a school bus while trying to cross the street this morning in an incident described by onlookers as tragicomic. Witnesses say the jaywalker, 23-year-old Meg…
REPORT: Majority of teens suffer post-dramatic TV-show disorder
Four months ago, Jesse Sparks, 13, thought she was living the life of a normal teen. But shortly after starting high school, she began suffering bouts of extreme confusion. Now home-schooled and …