According to a recent poll, about 13% of Canadians support Donald Trump’s recent suggestion that Canada become the 51st state. Naturally we wanted to ask them “what the fuck is wrong …
Free speech champions explain why it’s OK that people are being cancelled for criticizing Israel
As academics, celebrities and politicians face backlash and loss of work for condemning Israel’s bombing of the Gaza strip and treatment of Palestinians in general, we asked a number of peo…
Conservatives explain why Pierre Poilievre attacking ‘globalist elites’ isn’t antisemitic
Pierre Poilievre is refusing to back down from criticism for attacking ‘globalist Davos elites’ in a Conservative fundraising email. Even though the term globalist is a well-known dog…
Liberals explain why they can’t do anything about the housing crisis
As Canadians face skyrocketing mortgages and rent, leaving many without a place to live altogether, the federal Liberals have insisted there is nothing more that they can do. We asked a few promi…
Canadians react to Pierre Poilievre’s “sexy” makeover
Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre has rolled out a new look in recent weeks. Gone are the distinctive glasses and suits, replaced by a permanent squint and tight t-shirts. We asked Canad…
Canadians explain why they’re mad about the new Passport design
The government has unveiled a new design to Canada’s passport. Out went images of Terry Fox and Vimy Ridge, something we definitely all knew were in our passports, and in went more abstract…
Conservatives explain why we need private healthcare
As more Conservative lead provinces move towards a two tier healthcare system despite Universal Healthcare being extremely popular with Canadians, we asked some politicians why the move was neces…
Everything you need to know about Pierre Poilievre
Pierre Poilievre has been elected leader of the Conservative Party of Canada. And if you didn’t follow the race closely you might be wondering ‘who is this person?’ Is he horrib…
Highlights of U.S. Election Day
Every four years Canada and the world get to nervously watch while we wait to see what fresh hell the United States will unleash upon the world. But given America’s unique (aka a product of slave…
10 things Doug Ford has already used the notwithstanding clause on
Ontario Premier Doug Ford said he will be using section 33 of the Constitution to overrule a court decision on the size of Toronto Council. However, few know he has used it in 10 other occasions …