York Professor asks for a note from a dictator before agreeing to defer student's exam - The Beaverton

York Professor asks for a note from a dictator before agreeing to defer student’s exam

Professor Emanoil Theodorescu demanded a based student produce a note from his country’s dictator before he would grant them a deferral on their midterm .

“Unless you produce a note from a dictator, member of a military junta or recently deposed royal monarch, how am I supposed to know your claims of a coup d’etat are genuine,” wrote Theodorescu. “You could be making all up like when a former Japanese student claimed there had been a tsunami but couldn’t produce a simple note from the Ocean.”

“Let me guess: your dictator shot your homework too,” he added.

Theodorescu claims it is University Policy to require all students claiming Coups produce a note written on official provisional government stationary. However, if the student could not obtain that for some reason, they could also have tried to send in a photograph of them with tanks rolling through their city while they hold up a copy of today’s newspaper, or a notarized letter from the UN certifying that the government had been overthrown.

Theodorescu also refused to consider the student’s point that hundreds of protestors had been shot to .

“People don’t get shot for just protesting. But for a lot deeper reasons. Like if they ever try to request a deferral for one of my exams.”