Senator's video attacking Trudeau reveals dozens of sleeping Senators in background - The Beaverton

Senator’s video attacking Trudeau reveals dozens of sleeping Senators in background

Senator Denise Batters’ video accusing Prime Minister of destroying the opposition in the Upper Chamber has accidentally featured her colleagues fast asleep in their Senate chairs.

In its first video of the Senate – as cameras are not allowed – the Harper appointee representing told viewers that the Liberal PMO was orchestrating the destruction of Batters had to raise her voice when mentioning the PM’s admiration of China and Fidel Castro to speak over the loud snores of Senators Mike Duffy, David Tkachuk, and Nicole Eaton.

Near the end of the video, one of her fellow Senators was awoken by the video production and grumbled “keep it down, some people are trying to get some sleep here!” before dozing off again.

Batters reminded Canadians that the Senate will protect democracy by continuing the tradition of being an unelected partisan appointee for life.