Canadians love fucking just as much as the next guy. Maybe more since it helps keep us warm in the winter. But turns out we like fucking in different ways depending on where we live. Here are the top sex positions in each province.
Newfoundland: Over an iceberg
Nova Scotia: Whatever was most popular in Ontario three years ago
Prince Edward Island: “So if I do this, you’ll let me off the island without paying the Confederation Bridge toll?”
New Brunswick: Anything that gets you off before the tide comes in
Quebec: Secular Pose (it’s the same as missionary but they can’t call it that anymore due to the ban on religious symbols)
Ontario: Face Down, Rent Up
Manitoba: Winnie The Pooh (both parties keep their shirts on)
Saskatchewan: Prairie Doggy Style
Alberta: Reverse-The-Carbon-Tax Cowgirl
British Columbia: Hate Fucking To Videos Of Houses You Can’t Afford