University nerds to launch Naked Girl Rover
TORONTO – University of Toronto nerds announced earlier today plans to launch a small rover to the women’s change room in the university’s Athletic Centre late in 2011. The Naked Girl Rover…
I can slide rule your ass under the table
By Donald Testa Sr., Professor of Engineering Queen’s University Quick, what’s 529 divided by 23? What’s the matter, forget your 23 times table, you miserable excuse for an engineering graduate? …
TTC Union and makers of Grand Theft Auto team up to create realistic video game full of delays
OAKVILLE, ON – Rockstar Games, famous for its critically acclaimed “Grand Theft Auto” video game series, has teamed up with the Toronto Transit Commission workers’ union to crea…
Thanks again for letting me see your breasts last night
By David Dickie Hi Katherine. It’s me, David. How’s it going? Oh really? Well that’s good to hear. So listen, I just wanted to call you to let you know I had a really good time …
I figure I can wear shorts in this weather for another eight or nine weeks
By Al Lombardo Why would anyone want to wear pants in this weather? Seriously, it’s way too hot to make the switch to pants already. Are we into fall yet? Because, honestly, it still feels …
Hey brotha can you kick that Cheeto over my way
By Subway Mouse Hey you! Yeah, you over there with the newspaper. I need a favour. You see that Cheeto sitting over there by the tracks? I need you to get that for me. All you got to do is jump d…