'Over Asking' portion of Sold Over Asking yard sign real fucking unnecessary - The Beaverton

‘Over Asking’ portion of Sold Over Asking yard sign real fucking unnecessary

– As housing prices continue to skyrocket, many are pointing out that Realtors’ habit of putting the ‘Over Asking’ next to their Sold sign is probably not needed at this point.

“Every single house sells for at least 10-15% more than was asked for, and about 85% more than they’re worth,” said Avneet Kaur. “It’s like if I, an office worker, bragged every time I sent an email correctly. It’s not that hard.”

“Can you imagine how bad a agent you’d have to be to sell a house for under asking right now?”

For their part, the Organization of Real Estate Agents acknowledged the practice was a bit redundant but said there wasn’t anything they could do, as none of their manufacturers even make ‘sold’ signs without including the ‘over asking’ part anymore.

“Plus it’s nice to get a pat on the back every once in a while,” said local agent Renee Talbot. “It really makes the hard work worth it. And by hard work I mean making hundreds of thousands of dollars in commission just for listing a property on MLS and immediately getting dozens of offers.”

In related the signs around Toronto construction sites that tell people what they are building have also been deemed wasteful, on account of the fact that it’s always a fucking condo.