Parents relieved to send kids back to school for 3 weeks before they shut down again - The Beaverton

Parents relieved to send kids back to school for 3 weeks before they shut down again

across most of the country were glad to get a small vacation from their -aged before they’re sent back due to more -19 outbreaks.

“I my , but the past six months have been a trying time,” said Kara Evans, mother of 8-year-old Oliver and 5-year-old Clairssa whose primary school will close some time in late September due to dozens of pupils and teachers becoming ill within the institution. “I hope these new lunch pails I bought last through the year.”

Some mothers, fathers, and other primary caretakers were overjoyed to see their young ones board a this morning, which will no longer be running once the second wave hits.

“Finally, time to myself,” said Karen Wu, mother of four-year-old Liam, who will not have any time from October 2020 until sometime next year as the child quarantines with her in a two-bedroom apartment. “I can now focus on my career again and not have to watch Paw Patrol ad-nauseum.”

“But I don’t want to go back to school,” complained a shy fifth grader whose wish will soon be fulfilled once her and her schoolmates are unable to socially distance due to large class sizes.

According to sources, parents sent 8-year-old Kevin Smith to school despite having a low-grade fever and a cough just to get him out of the house.