Here are all the butts we found in the National Gallery of Canada - The Beaverton

Here are all the butts we found in the National Gallery of Canada

For your convenience and artistic taste, we bring you a tour of all the bare asses we found from the National Gallery of in Ottawa.

Butt In The Reflection.

Ass Near Faun.

Frolicking Derrières.

Brass ass.

The Crack and the Face – Francisco Goya c. 1823

This guy can write calligraphy with buns like that.

Somebody doesn’t miss a leg day.

Required Canadian content butt.

These buns were restored in 2018.

If you stare at this for 5 minutes, you’ll see a butt.

More butts.

Oh, there’s one.

After taking this photo, security asked us to leave.

Well, there’s a bunch of butts for you. Have a good day.