Trudeau planning fall election after determining Canadians haven’t suffered enough this year - The Beaverton

Trudeau planning fall election after determining Canadians haven’t suffered enough this year

OTTAWA – The Liberals are set to announce a fall after determining these past 18 months hasn’t been quite painful enough for Canadians.

“Sure there’s been a , economic crash, brutality, and general misery, but other than that things have been pretty good!” said . “So we think ’s a good opportunity to force Canadians to spend time and energy watching politicians shout and dig up dirt on each other.”

“Nothing turns frowns upside down like watching multiple leaders debates in English and French” he added.

The parties all have their reasons to want a fall election. The Liberals think they have a chance at a majority, the at forming government, and the a chance to remind voters they exist. But all are united in their desire to see Canadians endure yet another terrible ordeal in a year in which they’ve already suffered so much.

“I’ve lost my job and my Nana died, but sure I guess I can spend my mental energy on reading the party platforms and considering how best to strategically vote to prevent a right wing government from coming in and making everything worse,” said Markham resident Keisha Montrose, her eyes wide in desperation.

“I know no one wants to go to the polls again, but admit it, an unnecessary election would be pretty on brand for life these days,” said PM .

Not all MPs agree however, as several are pointing out that further parliamentary hearings on the WE Scandal will make Canadians suffer plenty.