YouTube lube reviewer takes time out of latest video to share thoughts on North Korea - The Beaverton

YouTube lube reviewer takes time out of latest video to share thoughts on North Korea

THE – In his latest video, popular “Lubetuber” LubeStar747 decided to interrupt his weekly “Wet Wednesday” to offer his thoughts on the rising tensions between the U.S and

“Everyone knows the best lubes are coming out of Seoul. Good Clean Love which I gave 7 pumps out of a 10 and then of course Intensify Plus Gel, which was the big winner of the -Off 2016,” said the 34 year old vlogger, who has been a rising star in the lube review community since 2014. “It just felt like my subscribers were expecting me to say something.”

While he stands by his decision to discuss the threat of nuclear war on his lubecast, he did express concern about possible blowback from the lube community, a community that often wants its idols to ignore and stick to lube.

“To hell with those lube purists who want my videos to be smooth and frictionless. The real world is gritty and complicated. I have to talk politics because lube is politics,” said LubeStar747. “Although, I admit that the backlash from my 9-11 lubecast ‘Where were LUBE when the towers fell?’ was somewhat justified.”

Although Lubestar747 does not hold any degrees in global affairs nor has he read a newspaper in twelve years – preferring to devote most of his reading to lube related trade papers – he still feels that his comments were important to the overall discourse surrounding the hermit nation and its erratic leader. And he doesn’t plan on stopping there.

“I’m thinking about interrupting my ‘Silicone-Based Sunday’ review to talk a little about the legacy of ,” said Lubestar747, squeezing a drop of canola oil into his palm. “Why? Because the people need to know. It can’t always be about the lube.”

At press time, Lubestar747’s video had sparked a healthy debate in the lube community and racked up an impressive 1,921 views.