Most popular Halloween Costumes in each Province - The Beaverton

Most popular Halloween Costumes in each Province

It’s that spooky time of the year again, when and adults with problems spend an inordinate amount of time planning out costumes that they will either look back on fondly or try to delete off instagram to avoid getting cancelled. But you may be wondering: what are the most popular costumes in each Province? Well wonder no more.

: For adults: an iceberg the size they were when the Titanic sank. For babies: an iceberg the size they are now.

Nova Scotia: A tourist from showing you a blurry photo of a whale he took on his sight-seeing trip

: Matthew Cuthbert having a heart attack

: The barn in Miramichi. You know the one.

: Probably a reference to a Quebecois show you’ve never heard of called ‘Les Bad Guys’ that everyone in Quebec loves. That or something in Blackface.

Ontario: ‘Sitting in an ER Waiting Room for 7 Hours’ Barbie

: Ball of snakes fucking in the Narcise Mating Den

: Sexy Brent Butt

: Danielle Smith (you dress normal but just say a bunch of bat-shit insane things all the time)

: A tourist from Ontario showing you a blurry photo of a whale he took on his sight-seeing trip and then saying ‘boy housing sure is expensive here huh?’