Study: Being hated by Piers Morgan, Jordan Peterson et al. most likeable thing about Justin Trudeau - The Beaverton

Study: Being hated by Piers Morgan, Jordan Peterson et al. most likeable thing about Justin Trudeau

OTTAWA – A new study has found that for many Canadian voters, the biggest reason they would consider supporting Justin Trudeau in the next is how mad he makes extremely online right-wing pissbabies like Piers Morgan.

“I’m ready for a change. Trudeau has barely done anything since being re-elected in 2021 and his refusal to intervene in the crisis is disqualifying,” said local woman Harlow Barton. “But then I see how he can make Jordan Peterson get all up in his feelings just by wearing a pink hoodie and going to the and it makes me reconsider.”

“If he can get Ben Shapiro to make a 45 minute video breaking down what a Beta Male Cuck Trudeau is I might have to canvass for the next election.”

The study interviewed 1000 left-leaning and centrist Canadians, who unanimously gave Trudeau low-marks for his handling of the environment, the economy and inflation, but high praise for his existence making Piers Morgan not want to live here.

Still some were not ready to give their support back to the long-time PM just yet.

“I’m voting . I think having a Prime Minister named would do just as good a job at pissing off Fox News and , for obvious reasons,” said one respondent.

In related news, despite proclaiming himself to be Team to get elected, many voters were nervous that Trudeau would become Team once he takes office.