OTTAWA – Right-wingers across the country are confident that, despite all previous 8,327 trending twitter hashtags failing to convince Justin Trudeau to resign, this next one will be the one that does the trick.
“For seven years we’ve spent all of our efforts trying to get that jackass to step down exclusively by amplifying twitter hashtags that run the gamut from moderately clever to way too long,” said activist Dalton Schraeder. “But just because #trudeaumustgo #resignjustin and #iamcanadianandithinkjustintrudeauisabadPMandheshouldresignforthegoodofthecountryoratleastpromisenottorunagain all failed to have any measurable impact, doesn’t mean the next one won’t work.”
“I mean if seeing #trudeaufail trend number 3 nationally (number 1 in Alberta) doesn’t convince a world leader to resign then I don’t know what will.”
Right-wing organizations like Canada Proud and The Rebel have used anti-Trudeau hashtags to rebuke Trudeau and the empty progressive symbolism he stands for, where people don’t actually do anything but are reduced to keyboard social justice warriors using lame hashtags to spread their message.
They have been particularly successful at getting the hashtag to trend at odd times, like when Canadians are mostly asleep but people in Russia are wide awake.
“If #trudeaufail doesn’t work then I have high hopes for next week’s hashtag #turdeau. Get it?”
At press time Trudeau still hadn’t resigned, but the important thing is people online had made new friends.