"Liberals and NDP working together to prevent a harmful Conservative government? Weird," say Horwath and Del Duca simultaneously - The Beaverton

“Liberals and NDP working together to prevent a harmful Conservative government? Weird,” say Horwath and Del Duca simultaneously

– As of the federal Liberals and confidence and supply agreement reached them, both NDP Leader and Liberal Leader expressed surprise at why they would do such a thing.

“Overcoming fairly minor differences to implement progressive policies and stop a Conservative take-over led by a right-wing ideologue who wants to destroy everything you believe in?” asked Horwath. “I just don’t get it.”

“But like… why?” she added.

As ’s seem poised to win another majority despite record low approval ratings, many on the center and left have called on the NDP and Liberals to form some kind of alliance in order to stop the greenbelt destruction and privatization that will surely be part of a second Ford term. To which Horwath and Del Duca have said a resounding “nah.”

“I don’t need to work with the NDP. I’m going to win a majority through my ideas and personal charisma,” said Del Duca, who’s name we had to google before writing this article.

“Besides what’s better, coming up with some kind of deal with the NDP not to split the left vote, or narrowly beating them out for Official Opposition status?”

In related news Doug Ford has announced his own power sharing agreement between the and every land developer in the province.