Sheer possibility of Toronto being only Canadian team to make NHL playoffs enough to send Alberta man into rage - The Beaverton

Sheer possibility of Toronto being only Canadian team to make NHL playoffs enough to send Alberta man into rage

EDMONTON – Overhearing a sportscaster mention that the could be the only Canadian team to make the this year has sent Dave Kilmartin into a full blown rage.

“No! Then when TSN only talks about the it’ll be because they’re the only team to talk about!!!” screamed Kilmartin as he smashed a vase, jumped up and down in fury and attempted to flip over a table but discovered that, like his Oilers, he couldn’t cut it.

“I will actually shoot my tv if this happens,” he added before screaming into a pillow.

The Leafs are the only Canadian team currently holding one of the top 3 divisional seeds that guarantees a playoff berth. The Habs, Sens, Canucks, Jets and Oilers are all out of the playoffs, while Calgary is tied with Dallas for the last Western Conference playoff spot. This situation has caused a spike in “anger-screams” and “rage-sobs” in cities and towns located outside the GTA.

“If we are the only team in then I look forward to seeing the rest of the country rally around us and cheer for us as ’s team,” said one Leafs fan with a big shit- grin on his face.

The is cautioning fans not to get too down however, as their teams could still turn it around (as long as their teams aren’t the Habs or Sens). Plus they can look forward to watching fans watch the Leafs lose in the first round again.