Local women dreams of Valentine’s proposal after insufficiently hinting at holiday season proposal - The Beaverton

Local women dreams of Valentine’s proposal after insufficiently hinting at holiday season proposal

Dartmouth NS – Local woman, Claudia Draper, is dreaming of a Valentine’s Day proposal by boyfriend, Trevor Chase, after she failed to sufficiently deliver hints for a holiday season proposal. 

Draper is the last single friend in her girl squad and had been dropping hints since Chase failed to propose over Christmas. “I’ve done everything I can think of to get him to propose. I’ve left open browser tabs on engagement rings, I made him watch over 200 hours of Hallmark movies, and I’ve hired actors to propose so he knows I have options,” said Draper while casually lounging in a wedding dress. “I really thought he understood that the holidays were the ideal proposal season.”

Draper’s friends believe she has failed to deliver enough hints. “I hinted at my boyfriend by telling him what time and where he should propose because I had booked the photographer to capture the spontaneous moment for my Instagram engagement announcement,” said Draper’s best friend Shannon Porter. Draper was unappreciative of the advice and took offense at the suggestion that she could just ask him herself if she wanted to get married that bad.

When asked to comment on their relationship, Chase said that everything is great, and that they aren’t in any rush to get a stupid peice of paper that doesn’t change how they feel about each other. Chase did note that he is enjoying the new bedtime ritual of removing Draper’s garter belt. 

At press time, Chase is still completely oblivious even as “Best Valentine’s Day proposals” appears in his search history.