Ford: Thousands more COVID Cases worth it for chance to partially re-open economy for a couple months before shutting down again - The Beaverton

Ford: Thousands more COVID Cases worth it for chance to partially re-open economy for a couple months before shutting down again

– One day after announcing plans to partially re-open the province despite the fact new cases remain over 1000 a day, Premier says the risk is worth it for the chance to have a slightly improved economy for 30-60 days.

“Sure every time we’ve reopened restaurants or sent back to the cases have skyrocketed,” said Ford. “But just think how good that slight uptick in provincial economic performance is going to feel.”

“At least for the brief window before the number of deaths force us to close again,” he added.

say the number of new infections their actions will undoubtedly cause gave them pause, but when they considered the benefits of being able to eat indoors in Belleville or go antiquing in Niagara, well it seemed like a no-brainer.

“Anytime you get a chance to undo months of personal sacrifice made by Ontarians to lower cases in order to let rich guys go skiing again, you gotta do it,” said Minister .

Ford said he was excited to make the announcement that was improving, and is equally as excited to make an announcement in April that Ontario is shutting down again because cases keep getting worse for some reason.

Officials added that, despite the relaxed restrictions, young Ontarians still shouldn’t get together for house parties. But they kinda hope at least a few do so they have an easy scapegoat again.