Trump writes off debate loss on taxes - The Beaverton

Trump writes off debate loss on taxes

CLEVELAND – US President has written off his debate loss to former Vice President Joe on his taxes saving him $5 million in refunds.

Despite a time-tested strategy of constantly interrupting his opponents and the moderator, appeared to have conceded financially, while publicly claiming a resounding victory.

“I won that debate, hands down,” said Trump who instructed his accountants to file tonight’s performance as a business loss. “Joe had no chance against me. People just loved me.”

The debate featured heavy losses to democracy such as the President refusing to denounce white supremacy, requesting his supporters to polling stations, and pre-emptively discrediting the outcome of the vote if he loses. Trump placed all of these democratic debts on his Form 1040.

Meanwhile, Trump will also try to write off the damages from the civil war he’s currently unleashing.