MISSISSAUGA – A recent string of concerning posts on your Facebook feed has revealed that someone you went to highschool with still stans for Kanye West.
Hunter Maldonado, the guy who would always show up to woodworking class baked, has been sharing posts celebrating the “Love Lockdown” singer’s antics with no acknowledgement nor concern for the artist’s current political fervour, wellbeing, or spiralling mental health.
Maldonado captioned a post of him posing with a MAGA hat in front of his 2001 Honda Civic with “YEEZY 2020.” However, when confronted by angry Facebook friends he responded, “I’m not gonna say I support Trump, but my impartial attitude towards politics and the mental wellbeing of my favourite artist is indicative of the toxic apathy that is rampant in today’s society… But yeah, you gotta separate art from the artist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”
Maldonado is an aspiring Soundcloud rapper who is known for rapping over Blink-182 guitar riffs. He is also a part the ‘Westerners,’ a local group of Kanye fans who exclusively wear those black “Toronto vs. Everybody” sweaters despite being from suburban Mississauga. They claim that they don’t miss the old Kanye, but that they just love Kanye like Kanye loves Kanye, with not an ounce of scrutiny or accountability.
His love for Yeezy began when his friends told him to download “College Dropout” on Limewire. Since then, he has remained on Kanye’s side through his Taylor Swift drama, Trump advocacy, and even his verse in “FourFiveSeconds”. When asked if he would stop listening to Kanye, Maldonado said, ““All of the Lights” still fucking bangs, and what I’m not suppose to dance to it anymore? The people need to know!” Maldonado also claims that like his idol he also possesses “dragon energy” and that Kanye’s comment on slavery “kind of makes sense” because he’s a third Irish and “[they] were slaves too.
After massive backlash by haters of Ye on his Facebook, Maldonado deleted his Facebook and ended this frenzy with a cryptic status that said, “I’m surrounded by, the fuckin’ wolves.” His rants were later seen reposted on Twitter.