Local woman excited to replace old crush on emotionally unavailable man with new crush on emotionally unavailable man - The Beaverton

Local woman excited to replace old crush on emotionally unavailable man with new crush on emotionally unavailable man

– After setting aside her longtime crush on one emotionally unavailable and manipulative man, Bronwyn Taylor is pleased to report she is now crushing on a completely new man devoid of human feeling and empathy.

“It’s crazy to think about all the mental energy I wasted crushing on Brad, a guy who still hasn’t gotten over his ex from five years ago,” said Taylor. “When all that time I could’ve been crushed out on Tim, who has already made it clear he intends to keep me at arm’s length because he has a fear of commitment!”

Taylor says underdeveloped, petulant man- was hard at first, but she’s starting to see a few positive benefits.

“Before when a guy I liked wouldn’t back for four days for absolutely no reason I would take it personally, but now I know to use that time to reconnect with friends, or catch up on a show.”

And although falling for broken men who project their onto others rather than taking a look at themselves can be emotionally draining, Taylor says it actually ensures  she won’t have to make any real changes in her own life.

“Or ever know what it’s like to be loved!” she added.

At press time, Bronwyn was nowhere closer to the kind of self-examination that might explain why she seeks out such awful people.