BREAKING: Statue of Liberty has begun fading from old photographs - The Beaverton

BREAKING: Statue of Liberty has begun fading from old photographs

– After signed an executive order banning all immigrants and refugees from several Muslim , sources across the country are reporting that the has begun to fade from their photographs of New York Harbour.

The statue, which has long been an American symbol of freedom meant to welcome immigrants fleeing persecution and strife, is now disappearing from photos as no longer stands for anything real. The base of the monument can still be seen faintly, although the famous inscription now reads: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses JUST KIDDING GO FUCK YOURSELF!”

“This is a very sad day for America,” says Historian Randall Li, who works a few hundred feet away from where the statue stands, at the Immigration Museum on Ellis Island. “Over 12 million people came through here for a better life. Now the pictures showing immigrants being accepted into the country with open arms won’t look so neat. Also, that executive order is pretty disgusting.”

The disappearance has also affected tourists like Sally Milano, who thought she had just visited the UNESCO heritage site on a recent trip to New York. Now she isn’t so sure, as her only evidence is a selfie she took standing in front of an empty pedestal. “The tour guide said we visited an important national monument, but, I don’t know, I guess I just went to this abandoned island?”

There have been international ramifications as well, as any sign of the gift that France gave to America in 1886 is quickly vanishing.

“We thought America was our partner freeing the world from tyranny. I guess there’s no hard evidence of that anymore,” said French ambassador Gérard Araud. “But, honestly, things aren’t looking so hot for us either.”

Meanwhile, civil rights activists hope to reverse the ban by going back in time to make sure Donald ’s never meet at the Enchantment Under the Sea-themed dance at their high .