Local condo construction stretches on into 2nd or 10th year - The Beaverton

Local condo construction stretches on into 2nd or 10th year

— Sources report that the construction project at the corner of Bathurst St and St. Clair Ave shows no signs of completion after either 2 years or a full decade.

Locals report that the construction site, which blocks a full lane of and disrupts several local routes, has been going on for an indeterminate length of time. “’s honestly hard to say,” explained Miguel Jimenez, who has lived in the neighbourhood since before whenever it was that the condo construction began.

“I feel like this condo started going up either when Doctor Strange was in theatres, or when Obama got elected. It’s been so long that either one feels right to me,” Jimenez guessed.

Construction on the Down+own Lyfe condo project has been underway for so long that many residents report it becoming an unfortunate but permanent fixture of their day-to-day lives. Whether the construction site has been up for 2 years or five times that length, neighbourhood residents agree that their wills to be angry at the inconvenience have long since been thoroughly broken.

“I used to call my city councilor to complain about the noise from the construction,” explained Jill Harmon, who lives in the low-rise across the street. “But now I’m afraid I couldn’t sleep without it, which seems like it would take at least 8 years. That’s bad, right?”

Reached for comment, the owners of the condo units in the Down+own Lyfe building were also unclear as to when the project broke ground. “8 years, 2 years, what’s the difference,” said a representative from 1st Asia Property Holdings Ltd, a division of OmniProp.

At press time, the sidewalk barricade surrounding the construction site has been moved another 5 feet out into the street.