WINNIPEG – The City of Winnipeg is mulling over the possible removal of pedestrian barriers and an armed guard tower that opens fire on any jaywalkers trying to cross at Portage and Main.
The iconic intersection has been closed to walkers and protected by a sharpshooter since 1978, but Mayor Brian Bowman says that now is the time to think about re-opening crossing.
“Downtown businesses will do better when those on foot can access ground-level stores and when confused tourist are not being shot at by a bolt-action sniper rifle,” said Bowman at a city committee. “Winnipeg needs to be a walk-friendly city and it starts by not blocking or killing walkers.”
However, not all agree with the Mayor’s pro-pedestrian, anti-shoot-to-kill proposal.
“Pedestrians are incredibly dangerous to vehicles and can reach speeds up to 10 km/h,” explained a CAA spokesperson. “If we start allowing walkers to cross the road and not be punished for it, people may get the impression that the sole purpose of the Downtown and Exchange District isn’t just for driving and parking…People may even start trying to live here.”
An Ipsos-Reid poll shows that 55% of Winnipegers oppose removing the barriers and 46% agree that barbed wire should be added to the barriers. Some 62% of motorists in Winnipeg agree that jaywalking should be punishable by extra-judicial killing.