Ford: Kids too young to learn their own anatomy are mature enough to be political pawns - The Beaverton

Ford: Kids too young to learn their own anatomy are mature enough to be political pawns

– Premier clarified today that ’s young students remain too young to learn the proper names for genitalia but are definitely mature enough to be used as political pawns part of the government’s war on .

“Kids in grade 1 and younger should not exposed to words like penis or vulva,” said Ford. “They should be learning 2+2, their ABCs and that the Unions are part of a leftist cabal trying to drive Ontario into bankruptcy through strikes and outrageous salary demands.”

“I’m doing whatever I can to get them back in so they can continue to not learn these things,” he added.

Ford has said that need to be protected from learning about adult topics at young ages, but understand that the government had no choice but to invoke () in order to pass Bill 28, which imposed a contract on workers that they did not want in order to stop a that had not happened yet, even though that has now made the strike much larger and potentially longer lasting.

“Understanding the obscure Constitutional procedures we invoked in order to impose our will on the Unions is a lot easier to understand than learning about menstruation.”

Ford added that he was willing to do whatever it takes to get kids back in the classroom as long as that did not involve paying workers a living wage.