Education Minister clarifies he would have normally fired 50,000 education workers for non-COVID reasons - The Beaverton

Education Minister clarifies he would have normally fired 50,000 education workers for non-COVID reasons

’s Minister explained that he would have made Ontario’s education system “more efficient” by cutting 50,000 education jobs, but enforcing a vaccine mandate just doesn’t cut it.

“I want to be clear; I would have jumped at any opportunity to replace teachers and support staff with online learning robots that run on Windows 95,” explained Lecce at a Vaughan Working Families Association meeting attended by OPC staffers. “But I had to consider the employees who pretend to care about the they’re teaching.”

Endangering the lives of students and fellow staff is not a just cause for dismissal or even suspension since it doesn’t involve balancing a budget, asserted the penny-wise minister.

“Had there been a labour dispute, or the economy been bad or good, or the wind been blowing in any direction, I would have cut even more than the number I just made up.”

At press time, Lecce was claiming that costing the taxpayers millions of dollars to accommodate the twice-a-week testing regime for employees who believe cause sterility and Bill Gates mind-control is “efficient.”