Firebrand columnist ridicules slow vaccine procurement for virus he doesn't think is real - The Beaverton

Firebrand columnist ridicules slow vaccine procurement for virus he doesn’t think is real

– In a blistering column, an opinion-maker known for his vitriolic takes has roasted the federal for its slow vaccine procurement for a disease he doesn’t believe is real.

The 500 word expose blames governments as well as public health authorities for delays which caused so many deaths, but also not really since those who succumbed to the illness were old and going to die anyway.

“All of us have to get vaccinated immediately with the I have previously called ineffective, if not dangerous,” blustered the columnist as though his written words were spitting at you. “The government is once again not taking this seriously, which is not a pandemic anyway since it’s just the flu.”

The unrelenting rabble-rouser known for his selective scientific knowledge that always conveniently aligns with his political opinion took the government to task for its under/over-reaction.

“Politicians and public health bureaucrats are needlessly terrifying people about a virus that was so last year,” wrote the angry man.

“And where is this vaccine? The virus is terrifying!” added the columnist in the next sentence.