Deadbeat dad behind in health care system payments - The Beaverton

Deadbeat dad behind in health care system payments

– A negligent father of over 14 million citizens is still behind in care system payments.

The unprepared political parent only started to reappear in the picture when he heard another man named Justin was starting to play a caregiver role.

“You’re not their real dad!” scorned the man from a press podium who already owed billions on public health and LTC payments. “I am their father! Me! We made cheesecake together, remember?”

Despite reports that the 56-year-old from Etobicoke has plenty of money, he will rely on the province’s federal uncle who is more willing to take on more responsibility as a father.

The premier has plans to upstage the suitor by buying every resident a flashy present before taking off on a motorcycle.