Health Canada announces that dudes who wear shorts all winter will get vaccine last - The Beaverton

Health Canada announces that dudes who wear shorts all winter will get vaccine last

OTTAWA – announced this morning that they have come up with their official vaccine pecking order and, as expected, those dudes who insist on wearing shorts all will get the vaccine last.

“This is a deadly and there are only so many vaccine doses, so hard choices had to be made,” said Minister . “Our priorities are workers, the elderly, professional players, everyone else and then those guys who feel the need to prove how tough they are by exposing their knees during a blizzard.”

“Like – what’s your deal bro?” she added.

The ‘shorts in winter’ dude subculture emerges every November, prompting a national reaction of “the fuck?” Although not intrinsically harmful to their health, it is the type of idiotic, hubristic behaviour that health officials say they can not sanction by protecting them from .

“Obviously we don’t want COVID to kill anyone. But if someone has to go do you want it to be your Nan or Brett, who wears plaid shorts, ankle socks and tennis shoes in January and claims he ‘doesn’t feel the cold?'” asked Dr. Theresa Tam.

For their part the shorts wearers seem to respect the decision. “It’s a bit of a bummer but if this is the price I pay for looking awesome and showing off my sweet Rick and Morty calf tattoo, then so be it,” said Brett. “Also COVID is a total hoax anyway so NBD.”

Just ahead of winter shorts boys on the vaccine list are people who cut their nails on the , anglos who over pronounce French words, and anyone who has complained about missing brunch during the pandemic.