Torontonians celebrate stage 2 of reopening by continuing to do all the things they weren't supposed to do before - The Beaverton

Torontonians celebrate stage 2 of reopening by continuing to do all the things they weren’t supposed to do before

– As Toronto moves cautiously into Phase 2 of reopening in the wake of the deadly -19 , people across the GTA celebrated by still doing all the stuff they weren’t supposed to do before and, in many cases, still aren’t allowed to.

“It’s a relief that after so many months of sacrifice we’re starting to ease restrictions,” said resident Caleigh Montrose as she danced with friends at a crowded Cherry Beach. “Washing your hands for 20 seconds is so long! That’s why I haven’t washed my hands in weeks.”

“Life under COVID has been hard,” said Liberty Village resident Eric Kent. “I mean, I still see my friends at the park all the time so we can sit close and share snacks, but we haven’t been able to go to our favourite patio! Good thing we’re finally able to celebrate this milestone that we’ve all been pretending to have reached weeks ago.”

Phase 2 means that more businesses like hair salons and malls may reopen, as can public splash pads. While it doesn’t mean that you can now do whatever you want without fear of consequences for yourself and those around you, that hasn’t stopped many people from doing that for the last 2 months.

“Thank god I don’t have to wear a mask anymore,” said Caleigh, who has literally never worn one. It is important to note you should still wear a mask when in public, even if it is “super itchy.”

“Thank god we’ve reached phase 2 out of what I assume is a total of 2 phases and this is all over,” said Kent.

Other residents celebrated by jogging 5 aside down the city’s busiest streets, kicking in the doors of nursing homes to high five the elderly, and breathing on a stranger’s neck in the grocery store as he tries to buy some apples.

Mostly say they are happy they will no longer have to fake being nice to people outside the city just to get a haircut.