TORONTO – Responding to multiple document leaks that indicate the government will privatize significant parts of Ontario’s health care services, the Ford government assured Ontarians that these documents are merely drafts that haven’t been approved by Cabinet and only reflect their deepest wishes and desires.
“Accusing us of wanting to create a two-tiered health care system is NDP fear-mongering, plain and simple,” said Minister of Health Christine Elliott. “I mean of course we want to create a two-tiered health care system, but we’re not going to do it. At least not this year.”
“I have never seen these documents before, but I also know what they say, and we will not be privatizing health inspections, laboratory testings, or any other service that’s contained in phase 1 of our privatize health care plan.” she added.
The documents suggest the PCs plan to centralize control of the system, enabling them to farm out services to for-profit corporations, though Elliott dismissing this as something the PCs would only do after priming the pump with reports about how the current system is failing, like the ones they are about to release.
The PCs further demonstrated how insignificant these documents were by immediately firing the beaurocrat allegedly responsible for the leak and calling for an OPP investigation into the whole matter.
“Look, when we go to bed at night, do we as a Cabinet collectively dream of a health care system where rich people get to skip the line and doctors flee the public system for one that offers much higher pay? Absolutely. But just because we have a majority government and therefore total power, doesn’t mean we’re going to give in to this fantasy,” said Elliott.
The PCs further claimed they had no knowledge of another leaked document from Doug Ford’s office that just repeated the line ‘kill the poor’ over and over again.