Trudeau attempts fancy cabinet shuffle, spills MPs all over floor - The Beaverton

Trudeau attempts fancy cabinet shuffle, spills MPs all over floor

OTTAWA – In what political insiders are calling his first major misstep of an year, humiliated himself today by trying and failing to pull off a very tricky , dropping a number of Liberal MPs in the process.

“He bit off so much more than he could chew with this stunt,” said Kelly Meyers, one of the reporters brought in specifically to see the shuffle. “I think he was trying to show us he’s still the boyish, energetic Justin the country was so excited about five years ago.”

“But the whole thing collapsed, like a house of MPs.”

While the were quick to criticize for undertaking a risky and potentially dangerous shuffle when laying the MPs on the ground and gently jumbling them up has always proven effective, Conservative criticism focused entirely on his inability to properly execute the shuffle.

“Canadians look to the PM for strength,” said. “But our current PM has proven today that he isn’t strong enough to hold up and interlace three dozen MPs at a time.” Scheer declined to comment on whether he has been practicing his own shuffle techniques and if that’s why often appear bruised and grumpy during Question .

Several cabinet ministers were seriously injured when the shuffle attempt went wrong, which will likely lead to some sort of rearranging of the current cabinet positions.