Conservatives: 'If we had re-negotiated NAFTA we would have capitulated immediately but also gotten Canada everything we wanted' - The Beaverton

Conservatives: ‘If we had re-negotiated NAFTA we would have capitulated immediately but also gotten Canada everything we wanted’

Luke and the Panel (Jocelyn Geddie, Dave Barclay, Jen MacIntyre) make jokes about complicated international agreements! They break down why ‘’ is a terrible acronym (1:30), the suddenly pretending they wanted to play hardball with Donald (9:30) and marvel at how the left have become the champions of free trade (15:30). Then they discuss the ’s shocking/completely unsurprising electoral victory in the provincial (16:30), speculate wildly about whether this is the end of the sovereignty movement (20:00) and round out the discussion with a fun/horrifying breakdown of the latest in Kavanaugh (32:00). Then the approximately 10 minute long discovers the easiest way to commit bank fraud in case anyone was thinking of doing that.