HAMILTON – As the provincial election approaches, sources indicate Ontario NDP leader Andrea Horwath is truly doing her best to win on June 7th.
“Despite what it may look like, she is really doing her darndest,” said Sangeetha Kaur, a volunteer with Horwath’s campaign. “This is actually peak Horwath.”
“I think she’s got a real shot at winning the election…’s most improved award,” she added
As campaigning intensifies, Horwath has been hitting the streets to promote her platform of “I don’t know, probably free daycare?” and “something about single mothers,” but polling data shows her chances of winning the election are “none”.
Horwath is best known for being a human woman and also being a member of the NDP. A recent survey found that most Ontarians associate her with being the woman in the campaign they don’t hate quite as much.
“People underestimate her, just because she doesn’t call people names, or have a personality, or really do anything to indicate she would like people to vote for her to be premiere” said Horwath’s chief of staff Michael Balagus. “But she’s the only candidate who isn’t Kathleen Wynne or a demon man, so that’s got to count for something”.
At press time, Ontario PC leader Doug Ford continues to poll well after reportedly pushing an old lady down the stairs.