New streaming service has all the movies from your childhood you never realized contain a sexual assault - The Beaverton

New streaming service has all the movies from your childhood you never realized contain a sexual assault

SAN FRANCISCO – New start-up streaming service WatchThis (short for Why Did My Let Me Watch This) promises all the nostalgia you can stomach by featuring you loved as a kid that you never realized feature sexual assaults.

“We’ve got ‘em all, from the mom thing in , to the implied rape of an unconscious teenage girl in Sixteen Candles,” WatchThis founder Jon Oakley boasts. “If it’s on our service, you can bet it’s got a scene, implied or actually carried out on-screen, that you didn’t realize was a serious violation until rewatching it as an adult.”

The service divides their offerings into multiple categories, including ‘C’mon, He’s A , He Deserves This,’ ‘No Means Yes When He’s This Handsome,’ ‘It’s Okay If She’s Into It Afterward,’ and ‘It’s Not Creepy If There’s Involved.’

“Some have questioned our business model, assuming there’s not enough content to justify an entire service devoted to this genre,” Oakley says. “But if anything, there’s too much content. We’ve had to curate, for example, by only including romantic comedies that feature felonious stalking, as opposed to the misdemeanor variety.”

With the success of WatchThis, its founder is considering launching another streaming service that will only carry movies where a female character is kidnapped or killed to give the male characters motivation.