Newly built condos replace once-vibrant neighbourhood of condo presentation centres - The Beaverton

Newly built condos replace once-vibrant neighbourhood of condo presentation centres

TORONTO, ON— Mourning the loss of yet another one of the city’s once-vibrant street level condo presentation sales centres, a local neighbourhood association is highlighting the disappointing pattern of condos going up in their place.

“This is the fourth condo presentation centre our community has lost in as many years,” said neighbourhood association chair Gwen Milenski. “Once all the units in these new condos get bought up, it leads to the death of the thing that once defined our neighbourhood.”

“So sad,” she added.

While developers toast the sale of their building’s last unit, condo sales centres that used to dot the landscape and act as a hub for community activity are being torn down in droves as part of disturbing trend away from preserving historic neighborhood temporary retail real estates concept models.

“I used to bring my grandkids round to each of the condo sales centres in this neighbourhood,” reminisced West-end resident Walter Dobbs. “They were always so thrilled to look at the tile-work and the kitchen islands. Now we have nowhere left for them to play ‘Guess the Square Footage.’”

At press time, city council is considering legislation to force new condo developments to build on top of the preserved facades of old condo presentation centres.