Women-only screenings of Wonder Woman countered by men-only screenings of sad porn - The Beaverton

Women-only screenings of Wonder Woman countered by men-only screenings of sad porn

AUSTIN, TX — In response to several -only screenings of the , numerous DC Comics fans are striking back with male-only screenings of online pornography.

“For too long men have been silenced and excluded from public spaces,” wrote online commenter @MRActionFan69. “Let’s see how all those women like it when they’re not invited to my ’ basement where I’ll spend the night on PornTube watching this ‘Big Booty Boobs’ playlist I made.”

The female-only screenings, held at the famous theater, have led dozens of outraged fans to launch their x-rated counterattack. Male protesters have declared the women-only screenings to be “misandrist”, “exclusionary”, and “basically the exact same as the Holocaust”. In return, they vow their retaliatory screenings will strike a blow for “meninism”.

Pro- blogger and littlest frat brother has joined the fight against the female Wonder Woman screenings, claiming they violate his Human Rights. “While these feminazis are enjoying delicious craft beers and celebrating a female icon with their fellow women, us real men will be enjoying leftover Mountain Dew and the warm embrace of our own hands on our penises.”

When asked whether he would be watching a porn parody of Wonder Woman in extra defiance, Posobiec responded, “Nope. Good old cuckolding porn for me.”

While the Drafthouse’s screenings have focused on community, allowing viewers to watch the highly anticipated film with their fellow women, the counter porn screenings have been largely solitary. One New Jersey protester has offered repeated invites for fellow protesters to come watch him “stick it to women”, but at press time has received no responses.

In a backlash to the backlash, progressive male comic book fans have vowed en masse to purchase tickets to screenings of Wonder Woman before masturbating.