Breaking: Trudeau loses only black friend - The Beaverton

Breaking: Trudeau loses only black friend

OTTAWA – Sources close to the PM say Justin is heartbroken by ’s , as it means he will no longer be in close contact with his only “diverse” friend: U.S. President .

“I remember the first day I met him [President Obama],” recalled Trudeau. “We hit it off immediately – I had learned how to say hello in Swahili and was wearing my finest dashiki that Sophie helped me pick out.”

Trudeau even installed a basketball court at his home, hoping he would play one on one with Obama. Unfortunately for him it does not appear that day will ever come.

“I bet Trump doesn’t even like hip hop or watching Key and Peele clips on Youtube like me and Bro-rack used to do,” added Justin.

For many Trump’s inauguration represents a day of mourning for logic and reasoning. For Justin, it’s a little sadder as he’s forced to end a budding bromance, with the other most handsome man in .

Growing up in Ottawa, there weren’t many people of colour to hang out with. The PM did note that he had fond memories of a classmate named Sowande who he was very close to. However, when reached for comment, Sowande had a different view. “I literally haven’t heard from him since grade 9 and my name is Sean.”

Asked whether he will be able to maintain his friendship with Trudeau after he leaves office President Obama stated “Who? You mean the guy that always hugs me for 5 seconds too long?”