Man mansplains manspreading - The Beaverton

Man mansplains manspreading

– A conversation between two female co-workers about the male habit of sitting in public transport with their legs wide apart was interrupted by Jarred Myers, an accountant who works several departments away.

“Um actually, the term was first developed on tumblr, not like I heard you just say,” reported Myers.

“Also the Oxford English dictionary did add it is a word in 2015, so technically when you called it ‘internet slang’ you were wrong,” Myers added.

Myers proceeded to spend 10 minutes explaining how the term developed before pointing out that, actually, there were few known instances of it in the real world, and the Toronto Commission had never received any complaints of a man doing this.

taking up extra seats with their oversized purses and bags is actually a much bigger issue,” said Myers. “Also, due to the position of our genitals, it is actually uncomfortable for men to sit with their legs close together, something you obviously could not understand.”

Once Myers finished the women, Jessica and Nadine, politely nodded and waited for him to leave, which Myers attributed to them being “blown away” by what they had heard.

Myers proceeded to join another conversation in the break room, where he explained to the gathered masses how telling a woman to smile more is actually quite polite.