THE INTERNET – The social media sharing curating gurus at UpWorthy just published an infographic, 47-second video and gif that will blow the top off of everything, ever.
“What an amazing day for the internet! #ifyoudontcareaboutthisyourheartless” shouted UpWorthy curator Morgan Shoaff from the other side of our café table. “With this new content we’re really telling people how to structure their minds in order to drive change in this world.”
UpWorthy’s recent share-blast of eminently shareable information that will save the world is changing the way we all think about what changing the world actually means.
“Those beliefs of think global act local, get out and knock on doors, start a big NGO to feed the poor, run for office and make a difference are totally relics of Neanderthals,” boasted self described pessimistic-optimist Rafael Casal. “Now you can literally change everything in the world by sharing properly, liking properly, and thinking properly #ifyoudontthinkthewaywedowewillshameyou.”
You won’t believe how these gurus’ sharevolution is affecting global change and blowing up the old NGO order.
“Donor funding is down 976%,” said UNICEF CEO Anthony Lake. “But the ideas to fix world hunger, poverty and health issues are getting to any child in Ethiopia with broadband access.”
“#Itsreallyastoundingweveneverseenthiskindofengagementfromsuchwellinformedactivistsdedicatedtothecause” said everyone, ever.