KITCHENER, ON – Web analysts have been in a frenzy following a report that Jimmy’s Web Site Company will be dropping support for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 6.0 in the coming weeks.
The move comes at a time when many major web based companies are announcing they will no longer support Microsoft’s nearly decade old browser.
“In order to continue to offer excellent products and superior service, Jimmy’s Web Site Company plans to cease support for Internet Explorer 6.0,” explained owner and CEO of Jimmy’s Web Site Company, Jimmy Carter, 12, in a hand written note posted on his parent’s fridge.
“We here at Jimmy’s Web Site Company have decided that this strategic shift in focus is required to deliver the latest that web technologies have to offer to our client base. In the coming months, we will phase out support for the IE6 browser and those still using the browser may find their user experience to be inconsistent.”
Continued the note: “Can we please switch back to the old brand of milk? It tastes better.”
Carter, who runs the business part-time out of his bedroom, made the announcement over dinner at his parent’s house earlier this week. The announcement was held to coincide with a visit by Carter’s aunt, Janet Bard.
Bard and Carter’s parents are the only current clients of Jimmy’s Web Site Company.
Jimmy’s Web Site Company is currently under contract to upload new products online to the family owned retail business website, A World of Stuff for Small Dogs (www.aworldofstuffforsmalldogs.ca), which sells many of its small-dog friendly products online.
Many industry insiders have been quick to praise Carter for his bold decision.
“When you have a small player making big player moves, heads start turning,” said Josh McCraiggy, a senior partner at McKinsey & Company. “With this kind of strategy, especially during the economic crisis where most small companies are trying to cater to all potential clientele, [Carter] has shown that Jimmy’s Web Site Company has vision. This could pay off handsomely for Jimmy’s Web Site Company in the long run.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if Carter is approached by other local dog stores in the near future,” McCraiggy added.
Carter’s older brother, Jonathan Carter, 16, however, feels that the move to drop support for IE6 was motivated by Carter’s lack of access to a working version of the ageing internet browser ever since his sister upgraded to Internet Explorer 8 while she and her friends were borrowing the computer to look up Daniel Radcliff photos.
Carter’s brother also accused Carter of knowing very little about cross browser compatibility issues, and he believes the announcement was just a publicity stunt to divert attention from the fact that Jimmy’s Web Site Company still uses outdated technology.
“He still uses tables to do his layouts,” commented Carter’s brother. “I saw he has a book on CSS on his desk, but I checked the source code on some of his web pages, and I think most of it is in tables.”
When told of these accusations, Carter quickly pointed out that tables are still acceptable in certain situations. Later in the evening, however, following a barrage of teasing by his brother, Carter broke down in front of reporters.
“Look, I’ve just been really busy with math lessons and Karate,” a noticeably upset Carter told reporters. “I have a soccer league starting soon. I don’t think I want to own a business anymore.”