OTTAWA – 32 year old Bradley Chad reports noticing that his targeted ads are getting sadder and unfortunately more accurate by the day. “I know way too much about all the latest breakthroug…
Man thinks CSIS targeted ad a sign he should be a spy
MILTON, ONT – Local man Frank McDonald is pretty sure he should become a spy after receiving a targeted CSIS ad on Facebook. “I was scrolling through my timeline, minding my own business wh…
Bill C-10 requires YouTube to recommend Canadian radicalization videos
OTTAWA – Bill C-10, which seeks to modernize Canadian content standards, will reportedly include provisions forcing YouTube’s algorithm to recommend Canadian conspiracy theorists and alt ri…
Local woman tragically forced to explain TikTok to therapist
HALIFAX – After a particularly harrowing week online, local University student Becky Clyborne was left with no choice but to explain the inner workings of TikTok to her therapist. “I told h…
FUN? This online escape room is just some guy’s poetry portfolio
WINNIPEG – A local librarian’s attempt to jump on the Google Docs-based “escape room” trend was revealed to be a shallow front to distribute his poetry portfolio. As the pandemic forced loc…
AITA man asks website full of assholes
BURNABY, BC – An alleged asshole has taken to a website full of assholes to determine once and for all if he is, in fact, an asshole. “Hey Reddit. Now that I work exclusively from home, I c…