Alex Huntley, Author at The Beaverton - Page 8 of 94
Alex Huntley


Alex Huntley is an editor and writer at The Beaverton. He is the co-author of The Beaverton Presents Glorious and/or Free: The True History of Canada. He holds a Master's degree in Public Administration and an undergraduate degree in politics and history of Queen's University. Twitter: @AJHuntley


TSN applies trigger warning for Leafs fans

TORONTO – Before watching or listening to any Toronto Maple Leafs game on TSN, viewers will be required to read and agree to a trigger warning to avoid traumatizing any Leafs fans. Producer…


Rioters demand return of Anne with an E

CHARLOTTETOWN – Cities across the country are paralyzed amid the chaos stemming from the cancellation of the CBC-Netflix series ‘Anne with an E.’ The protestors, ranging in age from 8-17 an…
