Liz Truss resigns after long, illustrious reign of power spanning two British monarchs - The Beaverton

Liz Truss resigns after long, illustrious reign of power spanning two British monarchs

– In a decision that will surely shake and the power structures of the whole Western world, stalwart veteran PM has decided to step down from her long-held seat of power which has lasted an incredibly long-seeming 42 days.

“We’re a different country now than we were when she took over,” said London resident Henry Winston. “I can’t even remember the nation we used to be. Truly the end of an era.”

When Ms Truss took the reins at 10 Downing back in 2022, Britain was suffering a crisis of conscience brought on by the sudden departure of long-forgotten dustbin Prime Minister Boris Johnson. were spiking and the country was suffering from the effects of a hasty and ill-conceived EU withdrawal, which journalists of the day were calling “Brexit.”

The effects of the Truss Era are most keenly felt in the specific. When she took over back in those turbulent days, a Briton could go to their local bakery and buy a loaf of white bread for a mere 98 pence. Now, in this new age at the end of her long tenure, that same loaf costs an average of £1.35. The royal head of Britain was (the Second, not the First), and now it is her descendent, III. From that bygone Elizabethean age all the way to our Carolingian modernity, there was one person the trusted to steer the ship, and now she’s gone.

The vacuum of power she leaves behind will be most felt by members of her own party. The British have ruled under her leadership for so long, one wonders if that old competitiveness remains, or have they now gotten so used to placidly cooperating with one another that they can’t bring themselves to fight once again?

“It’s truly incredible. When you compare the country she inherited: heated by the last bits of summer, to the mid-autumn world where we now live, it’s just amazing to imagine one icon would link those two very different eras. Like a time-traveler, she is.” said Brighton’s Murray Jack Johnson.

Britain will step tentatively until this strange new world without her, and begin to ponder the once unthinkable: how in the world will we get on without Liz Truss?