Couple struggling to find perfect amount of life insurance that will secure future but not encourage murder - The Beaverton

Couple struggling to find perfect amount of life insurance that will secure future but not encourage murder

– A local couple are having a hard time finding the right amount of coverage that would protect their future but not inspire them to one another.

Michael and Caroline Hobbes have a mortgage, they own a car together, and are hoping to expand their in the near future. So they recently decided it was time to purchase a life insurance plan that would provide financial security if one of them were to die, mysteriously or not.

“We reached the point where we had to start seriously thinking about what would happen if one of us were to tragically pass away,” said Caroline. “But we also had to keep in mind not to make the payout so high that the promise of financial freedom would be too good to pass up.”

“I my wife, believe me,” assured Michael. “But is there a dollar amount that might make me think twice the next time we were standing under a particularly dangerous chandelier? Or taking a trip on a high-speed train to Asia? I dare not say.”

Insurance brokers have long known the danger of murder most foul, but insist it’s part of any large financial transaction. “Absolutely it’s something we think about,” said broker Dave Lazar. “But we always encourage couples not to murder each other, or go to any masquerade balls populated by a variety of suspicious characters.”

At press time the couple had decided to purchase the largest policy available before taking a boar hunting trip to Krgyzstan.