TORONTO – The TTC have launched a nostalgic campaign in Toronto to celebrate their centennial year by featuring 100 years worth of TTC delays.
“Having carried more than 31 billion customers, the TTC has grown to become one of the most angrily tweeted at service organizations in North America!“ exclaimed Bethany Logan, spokesperson for the transport agency. “Also, thank you for moving our in-person interview to a phone call – would you believe there was a signal-track problem at St. George Station?! LMFAO!”
The “Celebrating 100 Years of Delaying Toronto” campaign launched last month, featuring sepia-toned photographs adorning all out-of-service streetcars during rush hour, pop-up photo exhibits at 12 subway stations (the other 63 were under construction) and a documentary of subway announcers from each decade saying “506 Kennedy to call control” for 75 minutes straight.
According to Logan, The TTC also released an interactive website with a timeline showcasing a hundred years worth of delays in Toronto Transit. “The public love it! It’s so fun!” explained Logan, while toggling between eras. “Back in the 1920s, distillery worker Jedidiah MacDonalds was late for a cholera check-up after the driver decided to do a shift turnover in the middle of rush hour.”
“Later that same year,” Logan added, “famed suffragette Emilé J. Johnson was late for a protest due to bus congestion, eastbound on Queen Street. According to historians, women would have gotten the vote five years earlier if the TTC got them there on time!”
In an interview with long-time TTC passenger Gord Thornbury, seeing the 100 year celebration of TTC delays moved him to tears. “When I saw that 1964 photo of the old subway car, overstuffed with angry commuters, trying to get to work, boy did I just get hit with all the feels! Times have definitely changed!”
“And you can see that time the streetcar randomly turned off Broadview – oh, wait. That was last week! Look! There I am! I can’t believe they got this up quickly.”
At press time, a holographic-retinal-scan was sent from the future, revealing the 100 year old celebration of the ongoing Eglinton crosstown construction.