We all know that if we take down a statue of someone, they are immediately erased from all history textbooks and their actions lost to the sands of time. But can you, somehow, remember these important Canadian historical figures whose statues have been so cruelly taken down?
Quiz: can you remember these Canadian historical figures even though we took down their statues?
You Remembered Them!

How did you possibly overcome the Men In Black style mind erasure that takes place when a statue comes down? Truly impressive. Also if you're wondering why this quiz was so short it's because these are the only 3 figures we could find who have had statues taken down. You would think it would be hundreds based on how much the media talks about it right? But nope, just 3.
Quiz: can you remember these Canadian historical figures even though we took down their statues?
You Came So Close!

Sadly, thanks to the Men In Black style mind erasure that takes place when a statue comes down you got their names just slightly wrong. Also if you're wondering why this quiz was so short it's because these are the only 3 figures we could find who have had statues taken down. You would think it would be hundreds based on how much the media talks about it right? But nope, just 3.
Quiz: can you remember these Canadian historical figures even though we took down their statues?
You Could Not Remember!

Thanks to the Men In Black style mind erasure that takes place when a statue comes down your guesses were WAY off. Almost like you were trying to give the wrong answer. Also if you're wondering why this quiz was so short it's because these are the only 3 figures we could find who have had statues taken down. You would think it would be hundreds based on how much the media talks about it right? But nope, just 3.