OTTAWA – After being caught totally naked on camera during a recent Virtual Question Period, Liberal MP William Amos assured his constituents he was simply trying to raise the profile of his OnlyFans page.
Alerted to the incident by a Bloc Québecois MP during the session, Amos insisted his OnlyFans was set up as a purely charitable endeavour.
“I honestly didn’t mean to offend anyone, but I’m using my OnlyFans page to fundraise for Stella, a sex workers NGO,” said Amos who goes by the username FitForOffice. “I thought I’d try to be a bit unconventional to drum up attention, but obviously I crossed a line and I’d like to apologize to my fellow MPs.”
“Though not for these sick abs,” Amos added, directing viewers to his higher-tier subscriptions.
Amos turns out to not be the only parliamentarian on OnlyFans, as several users post to the site from IPs located within the Ottawa parliament buildings. Their identities remain unknown as their faces are omitted or blurred, though popular posters from the Hill go by the screennames Private Member, PartyWhip, and Alex Rough.
OnlyFans user Tight Riding left a comment on Amos’ last post: “Don’t let them get you down! These pics are giving me Standing Orders!”
Amos was reprimanded by the Speaker of The House, who is also on OnlyFans as CommitteeOfTheHole.