Trudeau ready to trigger election if cafeteria doesn’t have those delicious mozza sticks - The Beaverton

Trudeau ready to trigger election if cafeteria doesn’t have those delicious mozza sticks

OTTAWA – While waiting in line at the Parliamentary cafeteria, Prime Minister Justin said he’s willing to go to the polls if he doesn’t get his hands on some gooey mozza sticks within the next 15 minutes.

The menu option was considered a vote of confidence in the PM’s handling of the including the WE charity scandal.

“If this establishment doesn’t have any trust in my menu demands, we’re having an ,” asserted the PM to a confused food and beverage worker. “I don’t want to do this, and Canadians don’t want a snap vote right now, so I am asking you, where are the mozza sticks?”

Trudeau insisted that it would be dangerous to have an election during a pandemic and equally dangerous to cut Canadians short of their Marinara sauce.

Leader reluctantly paid for the steaming pile of deep fried snacks as the PM claimed to have forgotten his wallet.

Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Erin O’Toole has employed the genius strategy of doing the same thing that failed less than 24 hours ago.