Guy wearing brown cape hopefully just quirky and not some weird new kind of white supremacist - The Beaverton

Guy wearing brown cape hopefully just quirky and not some weird new kind of white supremacist

– According to reports, a man spotted wearing a brown with a little hood is, dear God let’s hope, just really into Lord of the Rings or something and not wearing this as a kind of signal to other members of some random wackadoo hate group.

“I saw him and I was like, huh, I guess he’s on his way to maybe a Renaissance fair thing,” local resident Sherry Drin told reporters. “At first I thought was kind of sweet, the way he was letting his freak flag fly. Then I was like wait… that’s not supposed to be, like, some creepy symbol of Norse Gods’ superiority or some bullshit like that, is it?”

“Like, these days it’s sometimes hard to tell.”

The sighting of the young man, who, let’s be optimistic here, is probably just trying to pull off a low-key Witcher vibe, came in the wake of increased coverage of super duper weird white supremacist groups that wear idiosyncratic clothing.

Other onlookers also reported feeling slightly charmed, then concerned about the (fingers crossed, just harmlessly eccentric) young man.

“Uh, maybe he’s trying out a Halloween Costume early?” neighbourhood member Tim Julp speculated. “I mean, the cape’s cute – whimsical. Huh, it looked like it has some embroidery on the edge. Maybe it’s like a Game of Thrones thing? Like he’s going through a ‘dress like a hobbit’ phase?”

“Yeah, I mean, it’s hopefully just about that and not… you know, other stuff–Jesus, is that a sword? What’s that for?”

At press time, comments from some additional eyewitnesses indicate we’re probably looking someone who has a special night planned for his dungeons and dragons group. Like, at least 85% sure.